sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Tutorial: Jabot

novembro 23, 2013
Hey everyone!
This is another quick and easy acessory: a lace jabot! It's great for adding that regal feeling to any outfit, and you can use the same basic idea to make headdresses and such.

You will need:
♦ Wide lace. Embroidered tulle lace works very well for this project. You need at least 3 pieces of about 20cm.
I'm using two different designs to add some interest, but you can choose only one.
♦ Smaller matching lace
♦ Thread
♦ Brooch pin (optional)

Firstly, finish the edges of your lace with a tiny zig-zag stitch. If should look like the picture, very discreet. If you don't have a sewing machine, try using a no-fray product or nail polish.

Let's take a minute to analyze our materials. Depending on the size of your lace, you might have to cut it and make it less wide - as I did with the lace on top. Position is also important: notice that the embroidery on the top lace is covering the area where the two bottom laces meet. This is important for the next steps.

Using a wide zig-zag stitch, I sewed two bottom pieces of lace together. For now, the stitching is very much visible.

I sewed on the last piece of lace. Notice how the previous line of sewing disappeared from sight, because it is hidden by the embroidery. 

Next, gather on top, over that last zig-zag stitch line. You should gather as tight as you can, creating very dense frills.

To cover up that top part and flatten it, let's use the smaller lace. You only need a very small piece. Just wrap it around the gathered "head" and sew a straight line across it.

Your jabot is pretty much done! You can either add a brooch pin to the back or pin it to your clothes by using a cameo or brooch.

sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

LBC: Book Inspired Coordinations

novembro 15, 2013

For this week's Lolita Blog Carnival I chose two books: one of my all-time favorites, and a book I haven't read yet but plan to (hopefully, soon!).

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

I love this book. It takes place in Tolkien's complex and fantastic universe, but is a much lighter read than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. My favorite race is the Dwarves, but I tried to include a little bit of every culture in the coord and the overall feeling of Middle Earth. The main point is lots of diverse textures and somewhat unusual colors for Lolita.
There and Back Again

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

I watched the movie recently and fell in love with it. My plan is to read all the books in the Vampire Chronicles series. This is a pretty straightforward coordinate, mainly inspired by child vampire Claudia. Red is for blood and the dark blue represents the indigo plantation one of the characters had. There are a few other references (the mouse, crosses, coffin) in the little details.

I hope you liked these coordinates! The second one was quite easy to put together, but the first one gave me quite a lot of trouble. Finding the right balance between Lolita and murky Middle Earth was hard. This was a really fun topic, though!

Check out the books other bloggers chose:

See you next time!

domingo, 3 de novembro de 2013

Snow Rose, projetos, redes sociais e desenhos!

novembro 03, 2013
Oi oi!

Ando meio sumida, né? Peço desculpas aos poucos que sempre acompanham o blog.
Recentemente tive algumas frustrações e fiquei desanimada para postar...

Hoje vou fazer um update dos meus projetos de costura em andamento, da seção nova do blog e outras coisinhas~

 Recentemente comprei um monte de tecidos lindinhos e rendas pra costurar peças Lolita novas pra mim. Ainda não comprei tudo o que queria, mas por enquanto tenho o suficiente pra me divertir um pouquinho. Já comecei a fazer um OP usando o jacquard e o chiffon das primeiras fotos, estou bem animada!
Já estou seguindo as considerações que fiz no meu último post: vou encher meu guarda-roupas de preto, vinho e vermelho-sangue (minhas cores preferidas) e adicionar estampas, texturas, camadas e detalhes.

Agora tem uma seção nova no blog, a aba Sales ali em cima! Eu já vendia meus acessórios handmade nas comunidades do Facebook e Livejournal, e eventualmente em outros lugares, mas decidi montar uma página só disso aqui no blog.

Fiz esses desenhos para a faculdade, era um exercício de criação da peça com aplicação de estampa no caimento do tecido. Me inspirei em Ball-Jointed Dolls para o design e num pomar de macieiras para a escolha das estampas. 

Falando em desenhos, em breve eu pretendo fazer um giveaway de desenhos para comemorar os meus incríveis 50 seguidores no Tumblr. Se quiser fazer parte desse número, dá uma olhadinha aqui: shirayuki-n.tumblr.com

O que vocês gostam mais de ler aqui no blog? Eu adoraria saber.

Até a próxima!

